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SKU: TUMOUR F Categories: , ,


Method: CMIA, EIA
Price: 3500.00
Report: Sample Mon by 9 am; Report Same day
Usage: Ovarian cancer is classified into three types: Epithelial (80%), Germ cell tumor (10-15%) & Stromal sex cord tumors (5-10%). Epithelial ovarian tumors are further subdivided into serous (70%), mucinous(10-15%) and endometroid (10-15%). Granulosa cell tumors represent the majority of the Stromal sex cord tumor. CA 125 is elevated in 50% of patients with stage I ovarian cancer, 90% with stage II and > 90% in stage III & IV. CA 125 is not a good tumor marker for Mucinous & Granulosa cell tumors. Inhibin B is a useful tumor marker for these two malignancies. Inhibin B elevation has been reported in 89-100% of patients with Granulosa cell tumors & 55-60% of patients with Mucinous Epithelial tumors.
Doctor Specialty: Oncologist
Disease: Cancer
Components: *CA 125 *Alpha feto protein (afp), Beta hcg,Ca-125, Ca 15.3, Ca 19.9, Carcino embryonic antigen (cea)
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: No special preparation required

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 10 cm