Original price was: ₹2,250.00.Current price is: ₹2,200.00.

SKU: INFERTILITY B Categories: ,


Method: CLIA, EIA
Price: 2500.00
Report: Sample Daily by 9 am; Report Same day
Usage: Infertility in females can be associated with amenorrhea / oligomenorrhea or with apparently normal menstruation. The latter can occur due to luteal phase deficiency which may involve abnormal follicular development, ovulation or luteal function. A variety of clinical causes identified include use of certain medications, systemic disease states and endocrine abnormalities. A couple is considered infertile if they fail to conceive after six months of unprotected intercourse.
Doctor Specialty: Gynecologist, Endocrinologist
Disease: Disorders of Endocrine System, Infertility
Components: *FSH *LH *Prolactin *Testosterone, Total *TSH Ultrasensitive *Estradiol *Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Overnight fasting is preferred. Collect specimen 4 hours after the patient has awakened. Preferred sampling time in females is Day 2 / Day 3 of the menstrual cycle.