Original price was: ₹1,599.00.Current price is: ₹1,400.00.

Aarogyam B with UTSH provides 61 parameters. It evaluates your Thyroid, Lipid, Liver and Kidney health. The key feature is Complete Blood Count + Diabetes Profile for complete health check. Diabetes can’t be treated, but you can manage it with regular health checkups. The profile also includes cardiac risk markers to indicate heart issues. It is one of the most comprehensive packages recommended to all age groups and available at the most affordable rates.

SKU: AA-B Categories: ,


Method: See individual assays
Price: 1599.00
Report: Daily
Usage: Aarogyam B with UTSH provides 61 parameters. It evaluates your Thyroid, Lipid, Liver and Kidney health. The key feature is Complete Blood Count + Diabetes Profile for complete health check. Diabetes can’t be treated, but you can manage it with regular health checkups. The profile also includes cardiac risk markers to indicate heart issues. It is one of the most comprehensive packages recommended to all age groups and available at the most affordable rates.
Doctor Specialty: Physician
Disease: Health Check Up
Components: Iron Deficiency(4 Tests)
% transferrin saturation
Total iron binding capacity (tibc)
Unsat.iron-binding capacity(uibc)
Liver(12 Tests)
Serum alb/globulin ratio
Alkaline phosphatase
Bilirubin -direct
Bilirubin (indirect)
Bilirubin – total
Gamma glutamyl transferase (ggt)
Sgot / sgpt ratio
Protein – total
Albumin – serum
Serum globulin
Aspartate aminotransferase (sgot )
Alanine transaminase (sgpt)
Complete Hemogram(28 Tests)
Diabetes(2 Tests)
Average blood glucose (abg)
Cardiac Risk Markers(5 Tests)
Apo b / apo a1 ratio (apo b/a1)
Apolipoprotein – a1 (apo-a1)
Apolipoprotein – b (apo-b)
High sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-crp)
Lipoprotein (a) [lp(a)]
Renal(7 Tests)
Bun / sr.creatinine ratio
Blood urea nitrogen (bun)
Creatinine – serum
Urea / sr.creatinine ratio
Urea (calculated)
Uric acid
(10 Tests)
Total cholesterol
Hdl cholesterol – direct
Hdl / ldl ratio
Ldl cholesterol – direct
Ldl / hdl ratio
Non-hdl cholesterol
Tc/ hdl cholesterol ratio
Trig / hdl ratio
Vldl cholesterol

Thyroid(3 Tests)

Total triiodothyronine (t3)
Total thyroxine (t4)
Tsh – ultrasensitive

Courier Charges:
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: 12 Hour Fasting Mandatory