Original price was: ₹3,200.00.Current price is: ₹2,500.00.



Method: CLIA, RIA
Price: 3200.00
Report: Sample Mon through Sat by 9 am; Report Same day
Usage: Hormones produced by the pituitary, hypothalamus, testicles play a key role in sexual development and sperm production. Abnormalities in other hormonal or organ systems may also contribute to infertility. The Andrology panel is useful in the diagnosis of hyper and hypoandrogen states.
Doctor Specialty: Endocrinologist
Disease: Disorders of Endocrine System
Components: *FSH *LH *Testosterone, Total & Free
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Preferred sampling time for female patients is Day 2 / Day 3 of menstrual cycle.