Original price was: ₹1,050.00.Current price is: ₹1,000.00.



Method: ICPMS
Price: 5400.00
Report: Sample Tue / Fri by 6 pm; Report 2 days
Usage: Silver is not an essential constituent of the human body. Sources of exposure include manufacture of silver salts as germicides, antiseptics, caustics, reagents, for use in photography, mirrors, plating, inks, dyes, porclein, glass manufacture and in medicinal compounts. Argyria is associated with growth retardation, hemopoiesis, cardiac enlargement, degeneration of liver and destruction of renal tubules.This assay confirms exposure to silver.
Doctor Specialty: Physician
Disease: Industrial diseases
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Department: BIOPHYSICS
Pre Test Information: Patient to avoid silver containing medication or food-supplements 3 days prior to sample collection. If Gadolinium or Iodine containing contrast media has been administered, the specimen should not be collected for 96 hours.