Original price was: ₹9,750.00.Current price is: ₹9,000.00.

SKU: IMMP Categories: ,


Method: Flow cytometry
Comment: Samples received on holidays will be reported in next schedule / next working day.
Price: 9700.00
Report: Sample Daily by 9 am; Report 3 Working days
Usage: PID Orientation tube (PIDOT) aims at identification & enumeration of the main lymphocyte subsets. This assay is useful for immune monitoring of patients both pediatric & adults for complete lymphocyte subsets specially those undergoing bone marrow transplants with peripheral stem cell products and chemotherapy. It also helps in the follow-up of patients on immunosuppressive therapy like in cases of solid organ transplants. Failure to respond to therapy is demonstrated by a slow but steady rise in T cells. Flow cytometry is an important tool for monitoring of targeted therapies, including cellular therapies. An accurate immunophenotypic diagnosis is essential for guiding further functional testing as well as for genetic testing.
Doctor Specialty: Pediatrician
Disease: Immunodeficiency Disorders
Components: Primary Immune Deficiency Orientation Tube with markers including CD45, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, NK cells (CD16+ CD56), CD27, CD45RA, TCRgd, IgM and IgD
Courier Charges:
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Date and time when sample was drawn to be provided.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 10 cm