Original price was: ₹5,500.00.Current price is: ₹5,000.00.

Heart failure (HF) has been recognized as a common complication of diabetes, with a prevalence of up to 22% in individuals with diabetes and increasing incidence rates. Detection of people at high risk for HF (stage A) or those with stage B HF (without symptoms but with either structural/ functional cardiac abnormalities or elevated biomarkers natriuretic peptides or troponin) would permit earlier implementation of effective strategies to prevent or delay the progression to advanced HF in individuals with diabetes.

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Method: Electrical Impedence, VCS , Spectrophotometry, CLIA , CMIA , Automated Strip test, Chemical, Light microscopy
Comment: Among Diabetes, the consensus report of American Diabetes Association recommends measurement of a natriuretic peptide and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin at least once a year to identify Heart Failure at the earliest stage so that strategies to prevent transition to symptomatic HF can be implememented.
Price: 5500.00
Report: Daily
Usage: Heart failure (HF) has been recognized as a common complication of diabetes, with a prevalence of up to 22% in individuals with diabetes and increasing incidence rates. Detection of people at high risk for HF (stage A) or those with stage B HF (without symptoms but with either structural/ functional cardiac abnormalities or elevated biomarkers natriuretic peptides or troponin) would permit earlier implementation of effective strategies to prevent or delay the progression to advanced HF in individuals with diabetes.
Doctor Specialty: Physician
Disease: Heart Diseases
Components: *CBC *NT-ProBNP *Troponin-I high sensitive (hsTnI) *Electrolytes, Serum *Creatinine, Serum *BUN *Glucose Random *Lipid Profile Basic *LFT *TSH *Urine R/E
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Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Overnight fasting is not mandatory. Duly filled ASCVD form (Form 59) is mandatory for patient aged 20 years and above.