Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹600.00.

SKU: DG_G Categories: ,


Method: EIA
Comment: Recommended test is NS1 Antigen by ELISA in the first 5 days of fever. After 7-10 days of fever, the recommended test is Dengue fever antibodies IgG & IgM by ELISA.
Price: 7000.00
Report: Sample Daily by 12 noon; Report Same day
Usage: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome are caused by infection of RNA Flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito vector. This test differentiates between Primary and Secondary infection. Paired acute and convalescent specimens that exhibit a significant change in titer are useful to confirm clinical diagnosis of infection.
Doctor Specialty: Physician
Disease: Fever
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: No special preparation required

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 10 cm