Original price was: ₹3,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,500.00.



Method: CMIA, Western Blot
Price: 3700.00
Report: Sample Tue / Thu / Sat by 9 am; Report Same day
Usage: HIV-1 & HIV-2 are members of the Lentivirus subfamily of Retroviridae infecting humans and causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV is transmitted primarily by sexual contact; by blood & blood products; by infected mothers to infants intrapartum, perinatally or via breast milk. An estimated 36 million individuals have HIV/AIDS as per United nations program of which 50% are females and 2 million are children below 15 years of age. This assay helps to confirm the type of infection.
Doctor Specialty: Physician
Disease: AIDS
Components: *HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies, Screening test *HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies, Western Blot
Courier Charges:
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Duly filled Consent form for HIV testing & Pre-test counselling (Form 10 & 10A) is mandatory.